See our checklist! Moving tips

1. Planning
Plan moving help
Ask if friends and family can contribute or order help from a moving agency or cleaning company. Make sure that they arrive at the agreed time.
Check the insurance
Check if you are insured in the moving process. Some occupational and non-life insurance cover relocation, and some relocation agencies also offer insurance.
Take pictures
You may want to take pictures in every room, both in the home you move from and where you come, as proof of what it looked like.
Order furniture
If you are going to order new furniture, plan this in good time. Some furniture stores have 6-8 weeks delivery time.
Schedule any refurbishment
Redecorating, find out where everything should be in the meantime. Do you need to rent a storage space, or can you cover the things with tarpaulin?
2. Packing
Throw, sell and give away
Take the opportunity to get rid of things. There are a number of digital marketplaces where it's easy to sell and deliver things. But it may take time, so start early!
Get enough cardboard boxes
A number of department stores sell moving boxes and boxes, and there are several grocery stores that give away banana boxes that they have left over.
Pack smart
Things that belong together should be packed together, but do not let the boxes be full of heavy books. Select the boxes according to what they contain.
Put out blankets
Lay out blankets or towels that can be used to give upholstery to fragile things in the moving car.
3. Change of address
Report a move at the Post
Notify the Post to ensure that the mail is delivered to your new address. You can do this via Posten's address pages. We will also notify the Norwegian Tax Administration if you tick that option.
Transfer power, TV and broadband
Tell your service providers that you are moving. If you want internet in the new home from the first day, it is advisable to let you know at least three weeks in advance.
Notify all connections
Send message to friends, acquaintances and other connections about your new address. The recipient list in your online bank can provide a good overview of who needs a message.
Name the mailbox, door and doorbell
Hang up the sign with the names of everyone in the household, including children. Also, remember to remove names and tags from the old mailbox.