Digipost Digital mailbox that is safe, easy and always available
Get digital mail from multiple private and public senders. And even upload important documents such as a copy of your passport, diplomas and certificates.

Many businesses and government agencies send you mail digitally. The goal is easier access for you as well as saving the community and the environment.
Upload and collect important documents you have at home. You can easily take photos of testimonials, passports, home information, etc., and store them securely in Digipost.
You can use Digipost to:
- Receive your mail electronically.
- Upload important documents such as diplomas, appointments, housing information and tax documents.
- Process invoices.
- Receive pickup notes for parcels.
How to create a digital mailbox
To create a digital mailbox, you must be 15 years old and have a Norwegian personal identification number or ID number. If you have a BankID (chip or mobile) or Buypass available, registration is quickly done.
Benefits of a digital mailbox
- You receive important and sensitive mail digitally. Sensitive personal information is not allowed to send in regular e-mail, so it must be sent to a secure digital mailbox, such as Digipost.
- You can collect important documents in one place.
- Available on all devices, through digipost.no or the app.
- Safe storage.