Use the Fretex bag to give away clothes

No matter where in the country you live, you now have the opportunity to give to Fretex. You can send what you have of spare clothing with the Fretex bag found at Posten.

Published 2019.12.05 Last update 2024.04.17
  • The Fretex bag holds approx. 8 kilos of clothing, ie about 20 garments.
  • The Fretex bag is specially made to carry used clothing and accessories.
  • Fill the bag with clothes and accessories you no longer need. Reusing clothing is good for the environment, and there are many who would like to use what you provide.
  • You deliver the filled Fretex bag at Posten. The bag is free to bring, and it only costs 20 kroner to send the Fretex bag.

 You can read what happens to the clothes you give on Fretex's pages.