How to write the address for shipments abroad

Examples of how to write street address, mailbox, postal code and country codes, companies and use of att. and c / o. The correct address is important for the shipment to reach the recipient quickly. For shipments that are purchased online, just fill in the address information on the screen.

Postal numbers

Each country have their own addressing rules for letter post. Almost all countries have their own postal code system. The most common system contains of 4-6 number. A few countries have chosen a system with both letters and numbers. The senders address should always be placed on the back of the shipment.

Furthermore, there are a number of variations regarding the location of the postal code in an address. The most common is in front of the place, for example 53225 Bonn.

Country codes

If you are shipping to a country that only uses postal number with numbers only before the the place name, you must add the country code in addition. Place the country code at the beginning of the line with the postal number and must be followed by a hyphen. The country name shall in any case be applied.

Examples of correct addressing to some countries:

Mr. H. C. Andersen
Eventyrvejen 1
DK-5000 Odense

Mr. Jón Jónsson
Einimel 80
IS-107 Reykjavik

Mrs. Inger Lilja
Vasavägen 3
SE-582 20 Linköping

Mr. A. H. van Doorn
P.O.Box 1992
2130 GC Hoofdorp

Mr. Walter C. Brown
312 Glasgow Row
London WC1B 4BH

Herrn Erich Müller
Hilpertst. 31
DE-64296 Darmstadt

Mrs. Lucy Stevens
2701, promenade Riverside
Ottawa ON K1A 0B1

John J. Bursenos
12603 Denmark Drive,
Herndon, VA 22071-9945

Mr. P. G. Short
GPO Box 1777Q
Melbourne VIC

Mr. Lee
3-3 Otemachi 2 Chome,
Tokyo 100-31

Poste Restante

Those passing through or staying temporarily in a country, can get mail sent to Poste Restante. Such mailings must be addressed to a post office in that country.

Search in country information if the country has this service and find the address of the post office in its country pages.

Addressing recipients in Norway